A Swallowing test was also done in 2014. You drink and eat foods that have radiation isotopes added to them, while standing in front of a body scanner, somewhat like a huge xray machine. This was done in live motion, as the Dr's watched how different consistency foods reach the stomach. I think a dozen people watched, including a speech therapist. It was like I was the first person at our small hospital to have this done.
I was diagnosed with Esophageal Motility Disorder.
they all watched each bite, and timed its progression thru chewing, to swallowing, and going down the throat until it reached the stomach, which took too long, and could see the consistency of liquid, to Apple sauce, to bread, some chewy stuff. It all tasted awful.
Their solution was to eat smaller bites, do not use straws. Yes, another MS problem. To add thicker solution to drinks. No follow up was done, so I had to do my own research to figure this out. Yes a Symptom of Multiple Sclerosis, as these are all muscles controlled By the brain, which mylen was his firing
In June, a $35,000 injection for five days of ACTHAR was used, trying to slow down the ever-changing progression of MS. This is a hormone.
"H.P. Acthar Gel is, a drug made from pigs' pituitary glands"
Other Dr's did not know that Acthar, being a hormone, would cause my testosterone to reach extreme limits. I would not realize this for months, and a lot of research, as I kept a graph of injection amounts and my body was doing, not increasing increasing within the ranges. This still did not kick start my body. Looking back, I would prefer Acthar over the steroid, METHYLPREDNISOLONE As the ease of use, and better effects then steroids.
Thanks for reading
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