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Monday, August 6, 2018

Chostochrondritis, Heart Dr, Neurologist team

Costochondritis was a new word for me.  My upper torso on the front right side began to have non stop muscle spasms for fifteen days.  Since my Doctors were not around, I asked Bruce, my partners Dad.  He has been bed-ridden with RA for thirty some years. He was quite knowledgeable, as of having to go thru the pain of RA, and also knew computers inside and out, like he knew his body.

Some Ibuprofen was tried, which took the zaps, and calmed the spasms happening down. But when you have a muscle thumping, in leaves the area quite sore.  Upon seeing my GP, he confirmed Chostochrondritis, and 600-800 mg of ibuprofen was needed to stop this. 

 My other Nsaid,  Diclofenac, was being used for inflammation at other areas, and has no effect for Costochrondritis.  I had to ensure I used these Nsaids at different times.-------------------------------------------- 

I joined iconquerms.   and sent in a saliva sample for DNA testing
iConquerMS™ empowers all people living with MS to participate in research. Unlike other data-gathering programs, iConquerMS™ is governed and driven by people living with MS. 

A new GP, looks at me across the room, when I am describing my pain. He told me a Torn Rotator Cuff, and nothing they could do, and left. I was not thrilled with him, but figure he would not last long at the clinic, as they had gone thru many Doctors.

Another MS specialist from UC Davis became involved. A Neurologist, who would do thorough test on me every six months, or sooner if needed. I am one of many patients with MS she studies and lectures on. She also loved my notebook, and that I had all my blood tests, so they could be scanned in.  I would keep my Primary Neurologist, as such. She did not do Botox, and would be more of researcher in me.


A Dr from Sacramento Heart became involved as part of my team early on.   The Heart is a big muscle. And Yes,  MS can effect this from the beginning.  A EKG, and  echo was done as my pulse has always been high.  The Dr said, "it was like I was running a Marathon, even though my body was at rest. " This being caused by MS.  He did not want to slow me down, but ratherrather keep me able to do whatever I could.  A Mitro valve prolapse was seen, but not leaking.  This is part of what other Dr's heard, but needed a expert to see.
My heart was strong, and has not been effected by MS.  A yearly, or six month visit would be ongoing for years to come.

Thanks for reading

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