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Sunday, August 5, 2018

Hands and eyes

Guess I should mention ongoing and new symptoms before getting ahead of myself.  Double Vision, and my Gait were off since December 2010. My hands stopped working, dropping items in front of people.
the local hospital put their last two splints on my wrist. Sent me home driving this way.

At the first Doctors appointment, they both Froze up, me being unable to grasp, or move them.  Clonidine, a old drug was used, that freed the hands, which were described as cold, clammy, doughy. The wrist guards were used for months to come, as entrapped nerves in both the wrist was suspected.  The cause, scanning groceries as fast as possible.  My new Neurologist confirmed nerve entrapment, both wrist.They still have problems to this date, but surgery, hear horror stories.

The Double Vision has not gone away since day one.  Words such as alternating exotropia, Optic Disk Pallor, and Right lateral gaze were used. Prisms were installed in glasses, one for reading, and the other for distance, as the strength of prism, one pair would no longer be normal.

By this time I had added a ophthalmologist, and a optometrist to my team to help my eyesight. The ophthalmologist, at least told me, " no matter what time of day, your eyes would always need a new pair of glasses". This was due, not by my eyes, but how my MS was effecting the muscles, and how my eyes were interpreting these.  

A new Optometrist was added last year. He spent two hours on my eyes. Pictures, thickness blind spots, and a problem in 2017 he saw. My Neurologist was quite interested in the  retna thickness, with this changing six months later.

My left eye, when shining a light into it had a lengthy delay, for pupil dilation.  Another problem, was the nerves looked like "cotton balls" when he displayed the eyes.  new glasses again, more prisms.

This led to UC Davis Neurology. They immediately put me On five days of intravenous Steroids, done daily.  A follow up with my Ophthalmologist was done, and neurology.

Thanks for reading

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