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Showing posts with label New doctors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New doctors. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


This last year went by quickly. Way to quickly.
Changed happening, seems like daily since  mid 2019. Guess that's why I named this blog

A quick change of Doctors was needed. My Neurologist that injects me with botox went on medical leave in November, having me scramble to obtain meds prescribed, and a new person to administer Botox. This won't happen until February 2020, as how busy  Specialized Neurologist are. So dealing with Charlie horses, cramps, stiffness and neck spasms.  The quinine works wonders, but limit its use. I think the neck spasms are upsetting the degenerative did disease.

Then came my GP. Highly recommended by the main Dr at the clinic, who was watching over me until he had a new Dr hired. I had entered with extremely high hopes.

Some Drs are not made for patients, or some patients not made for Drs.  I let him give his talk, with my blood pressure  rising even higher, as what he was saying, never touched or examined me.

The most frustrated I have ever been. He should of had my heart rechecked, as knew extremely high entering. He left in huffiness.  I then left, almost in tears, not making another monthly visit.

But then good news, was I was able to get a  new GP who actually took the time to read all my specialist reports.  He is doing his internship at UC Davis  He Looked at blood levels, and re ordered some that were in concern. Spent a lot of time with me, and concerns.

Then came the insurance change. CVS bought Aetna, who had purchased my drug plans over the last eight years. The USA government said CVS was to big, and made them sell off their drug plan.

Their new company was doubling my rates, with less coverage, and deleting other drugs.   I emailed  Debbie from Area 12,  who helps elderly people find plans. She had helped me eight years ago.  She did find me a drug plan, that covered most of my meds, requesting Prior Authorization for a few. That brings us almost current to 2020, but not quite.

A MRI was scheduled after seeing my neurologist, of my neck and brain in December. However  New symptoms started about a week later. Tingling electrical zaps going down into my fingers on my right arm hand.   Another appointment was made to go over the MRI. But looking at this, I do not think they compared it to original, so left my team a message to do that. The main two lesions in my brain looked unchanged, but my degenerative disc disease in my neck progressing.

Two years ago, the pain jab in my right shoulder was so extreme, I switched GPs, as one said I tore the rotator cuff from across the room, doing nothing. A new Dr scheduled a MRI, showing two discs bulging into nerves. I failed at prednisone injected. A surgery was scheduled, but cancelled, when they could not tell me what was causing the pain.  MS or the discs.  Best decision not to have surgery. There xray machine was more powerful than the MRI machine at our local hospital. There was nothing to attach a metal plate to, as osteopenia. 

Then both the H63D gene (  Link ) were found mutated, when certain  blood levels were off, causing Iron overload. hereditary Hemochromatosis WebMD

if they needed to give me blood, for every quart out in, two quarts would need taken out, as it would attack my body, creating me to make more iron. This goes for raw shellfish, or their shells  also.  So no surgeries was added to my DNR.
17 phlebotomy, left my body with no iron, slightly anemic, which comes with its own problems.

on a good note, my Cardiologists said my heart is the best thing going for me.
Hypertriglyceridemia (Medscape) going on though. A Drug Fenofibrate  see this link,  was used, but I've ended up as less than 1% of the population of a side effect that raised my creatine to alarming rates for five of my doctors. This was stopped, replaced with Vascepa.

Our Westie and Poodle, Dixie and Armani

December also brought a huge skin rash from A Copaxone injection. I had UC Davis look at it, and the Copaxone Nurse. I am now limited to injection areas, as have no fat to inject into. So my Neurologist had me look at And to look at.

And yes 2020 now. Need to go on more short Amazing Races.
Enjoy the Quality of life,  All my Drs know is goal to maintain.

2020 brought that into full perspective, when a neighbor passed away, and days later their son, who went to school with my partner.   I've known for 20 years .
his mom has Alzheimer, which complicates this all. His partner has taken it quite hard.  She will end up in nursing home for a short time.

I will leave in a good note.  My partner and I did a DNA and Gut sample kit that may give more inside info on health and Gut issues..  Looking for Genes that may be related,  medication on how it's used, or not being used,  and conditions I may have control over.

Another MRI is scheduled,   a interview with Families USA for my next blog. A federal to many more specialist.

Thanks for reading.
Join my blog email. Give me feedback if you have tried any of meds.
