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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Pickle Juice

As I mentioned, this blog jumps around some.  This talks about Pickle Juice. Hype or Real.  Last year, as I was just reminded, from the Multiple Sclerosis Magazine,  I asked one of the Sponsors of the Bike Marathon, that had a booth for Multiple Sclerosis bike riders if the Pickle Juice they had, would help my  Spasticity with Multiple Sclerosis.  I would of loved the bike ride up the coast, and the wineries along the way.  I've ridden 50 miles once, but that was thirty decades ago. Knowing the Charlie horses or tight muscles are different then the ones for Multiple Sclerosis.  This I knew first handed, but was still curious if they had a product that would help.  We see a lot of bike trainers using our steep mountain roads to train on where we live, at 3,000 ft elevation.

Pickle Juice sent me a six pack of their product to try.
 I checked with my neurologist if he was opposed for me to try. He said bike riders get muscle cramps from imbalance of electrolytes by peddling so hard for so long.

In Multiple Sclerosis, it's the sheath coating from the brain mis firing signals to calves, or other muscle groups, that cause them to tense up, or become Charlie horsed, and stay Charlie horsed until the signal from the brain let's up.

Giving pickle juice a try, yes it taste like fermented pickle juice, but without the pickles. A interesting product, as in its own bottle.  I would think gym training athletes, or bike riders that are needing quick electrolytes, or others on a rigorous routine would benefit that need the electrolyte balance, and from real fermentation of pickles, instead of a sweet drink.

It was a no go for my Spasticity however.

  I use some odd concoctions already.
Baclofen, I am maxed out on. A baclofen pump to be implanted has already been turned down years ago from reading some other blogs.

A small amount of diazapam is split up to help during 24 hours. I make my own oils from the marijuana plant, along with using alcohol to make other tinctures.  I am still looking for the proper combination or strain of the plant to utilize. If anyone has recommendations, or seeds, let me know.

I make my own quinine to obtain 30 mg. The same quinine used to make a Gin and Tonic water, just without the Gin.

 See my blog on Quinine-toxic-or-helpful? . A shot glass usually relaxes Charlie horses muscle.  This Needs followed by a neurologist and cardiologist, and may not be for everyone.  I do not have a gag reflex, as a swallowing study done showed

More interesting items is Mustard. A Tablespoon of plain yellow mustard has properties that science can not explain, as when it hits the stomach, it's effects start to release muscle cramps.
Sometimes it is slower than quinine, but works.

So if you are a avid bike rider, I would put a bottle in my pack, And give it a ten star. Worth trying

If you are a company, wanting me to review a product, let me know.

As for others, let me know what help with your Multiple Sclerosis cramps, Charlie horses, muscle twitches, the MS HUG, or different parts of the body, what muscle groups have the most problems.

My Neurologist, injects  onabotulinum toxin A into my calves, and into my neck muscles to calm these mis firing nerves, that cause me problems. It helps tremendously, and has kept me walking with a cane.  He is limited by insurance to doing this every three months.  It only last for about 62 days with me, and others.

Ampyra is used also, that has definitely helped me.

Thank you for reading

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