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Showing posts with label gin and tonic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gin and tonic. Show all posts

Friday, October 5, 2018

Quinine Toxic or helpful?

What is JoeY talking about now, you will ask.--------------------------------------------

Quinine is still added to Tonic Water. This is what you can use to make Gin and Tonic, or drink it alone. The USA banned quinine in all the other medicines that were available made with this, except Tonic Water, and limits how much they can use.

Quinine is made from the cinchona bark. As you might know, cinchona bark consists of quinine, which is toxic.
Quinine is a unique substance. It comes from the bark of the cinchona bark.
  It has a legal limit of 83 ppm in carbonated drinks, Tonic water, the only one.   Besides the use in Gin and Tonic, it was used medically for cramps before being banned in the USA.

"take one of the most popular tonic syrup recipes, published by Jeffrey Morgenthaler: 
Basically, it's 6 cups of liquid to 1/4 cup of powdered cinchona bark, which is about 35 grams of cinchona. Extrapolate from that and we're talking about 35 grams of cinchona per 1.4 liters of end syrup, which is 25 grams per liter, and if it extracts fully, contributes 1.25 grams of quinine per liter, which equates to 1251 parts per million. That's 15 times the CFR standard.
If you use 3/4 of an ounce of that syrup in a Gin and Tonic, you're adding in 27.5 mg of quinine - more than double the amount of quinine in a commercial gin and tonic. 
Note: Does a syrup extract quinine fully from the cinchona? No - but it extracts faster from powdered cinchona versus cinchona chips or quills.
Note: Does a syrup that is sieved through a french press or a coffee filter have a high percentage of solids still in suspension? Yes - and any of the solids you swallow contribute the full amount of the quinine as your body digests the powder. "

You must also hear The researchers notes read from test done by scientist. This may be enough to make sure to talk to Doctors before use. 

The Baclofen I am on was maxed out on the limit that I could use.  Diazepam in low dose was tried.

The spasms, Charlie horse and muscles in my calves not letting up.  Botox was being used every three months, Injected into certain spots of the muscles, by a Neurologist. This would last 60 days.
Research was done when Neurologist mentioned Quinine may help. A EKG was done of my heart.

A regular quart bottle was taken of  Tonic water which contained Quinine.  Nothing,  but it has A lot of sugar, and the sugarless has a sugar substitute, what I thought had been banned twenty years ago.

But not enough Quinine, and to much sugar.

My research led me to Quinine. The Dangers of Quinine, and how to make your own.
I found some suppliers, buying a pound of Quinine bark, and following a recipie by Jeffrey Morgan

Their are different types of bark, and more research. This site has a lot of information.

This would amount to taking a shot glass, or a ounce of homemade quinine, which is about 27 mg quinine. 
Drinking this elixir would immediately stop my curling toes, and the bottom of the feet to the calves. I did not use any gin, and lowered The sugar content, as the Tonic quinine is what I wanted.

The recipe, and math was gone over with my Neurologist, and Heart Dr, so I would not build up to much quinine in my body. 

30 grams per ounce is what I try to obtain. Not more than a shot in a day, and only when really needed. 

Regular checks with the heart Dr, doing EKG, Echos,  GP, and Neurologist is a must! Listen to video.

  I could say this is a wonder bark from the tree, but you need to listen to the researchers notes to know why this was pulled from the market.  You need  your GP, Neurologist, Heart Dr, and all involved in your team to know before making it, or use of this substance. I am not promoting its use, or making this, just my research, and what worked for me might not work for someone else.

I am not saying, go make your own quinine.  But try a bottle of Tonic Water. It might be all you need.

Or better yet, a Tablespoon of yellow Mustard, has wonderful properties, scientist can not explain how Mustard will bypass digestion system, and calm muscle spasms. This was A mention from my Neurologist to try years later. Mustard. A plain yellow mustard works.

Thanks for reading