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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Fatigue and Multiple Sclerosis


           Fatigue and multiple sclerosis

This can be chronic, as most MS people will tell you. Fatigue for the common person or from one person to another is different.  It is hard to explain, but like you have been hit head on by a semi truck.  Sometimes just moving from one place to another is difficult, as Energy needed. Not that you don't want to do a project, just no energy, or to fatigued to do it.

My partner bought me a simple watch, but in its app it shows your fatigue level. Not sure of the algorithm used, or the accuracy of smiley faces, coffee cups. 

Quite interesting, as sleep is a factor in fatigue. 

My heart rate, EKG, Blood pressure are better monitored with a cuff, as these numbers never are accurate enough with any monitor.  I use the monitor app mainly to track sleep and steps done daily.  The Fatigue monitor,  I will have to let you know with more use.

But for me, Fatigue is daily. I have used scales, like the pain scale to monitor daily fatigue. It can hit me instantly, or I can wake up already fatigued. 

MS fatigue. It can be crushing, numbing, and stop the hardiest person in their tracks. 

"If you have multiple sclerosis (MS), you might feel very fatigued from time to time. It’s different than normal tiredness, and it doesn’t get better with sleep.

The best way to ease fatigue is to treat what’s causing it. That’s hard to do when you have MS. But you don’t need to manage your symptoms alone. Your doctor can help you figure out what triggers your fatigue. They’ll suggest some lifestyle changes that may help. You might need to treat other issues like sleep problems or depression.

If that’s not enough to ease your fatigue, medication can be an option."

This is a quote from

I am on Provigil, as it gives me a hour more awake time then the generic modafinil.

There are many medicines out there to help keep you awake.

My Neurologist kept me off the the ones which had many side effects, or were stimulation forming. Provigil does not work on everyone though, so thus talk to your specialists of side effects, or differences of different ones to try.   There is a list of them, with new ones coming for narcolepsy that is used also.  The prescription may need a heading like, for shift work from your prescribed to be prescribed. A weird insurance issue. A Sleep Study may be required.

Provigil (modafinil) is a medication that promotes wakefulness. It is thought to work by altering the natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain. Provigil is used to treat excessive sleepiness caused by sleep apnea, narcolepsy, or shift work sleep disorders.

Provigil or Modafinil is not an amphetamine

The US Food and Drug Administration hasn’t approved any medicines to treat fatigue in patients with MS. But doctors often use amantadine, modafinil, and methylphenidate to treat fatigue in such patients.

Healthline. Com states

"Certain complications of MS can also induce fatigue. This may be referred to as a secondary cause. Complications of MS that may also cause fatigue symptoms include:

Fatigue can also be a side effect of certain medications, such as those used to treat spasticity, pain, and bladder dysfunction."

So you can see Fatigue is shown in many different aspects. 

Chronic fatigue usually becomes worse as the day wears on.   It can last for weeks, or never seem to go away.

There is a Delayed Fatigue, when major fatigue follows you for weeks, after doing a over exherting  item.  This could be a simple walk of going to far, or a exercise, mental or physical that overtires  nerves that are being misfired by Multiple Sclerosis. One of which you are left with no Energy. 

It can be acute (lasting a month or less) or chronic (lasting from 1 to 6 months or longer). Fatigue can prevent you from functioning normally and affects your quality of life. According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 80% of people with MS have fatigue.

So lots of information to search for on the web, sometimes different searches will gather you more information to ask your Dr what to try. 

I still end up tired, needing a nap in the afternoon, but can tell considerable how Provigil works with me.

Questions or comments, let me know. New Year comming up, As Insurance Companies like to play Doctor.

Thanks for reading
