Pulmonary Laboratory Testing
Multiple Sclerosis has many turns, and relates to many areas of the body.
This is the " phone booth test"
Yes I became hot, sweaty and out of breath, fatigued, and tired. This cause can be MS, playing into everything. It can also be where my ferritin of 7 and iron of 29 is at. On the low side.
The test has you blow into a tube at regular breaths. This is recorded on the technicians computer. He has you repeat the test several times. Another breath test shows how your lungs expand, then hold and pretend your blowing a birthday candle out. Only so many times could I do this, so thought of a campfire, trying to get this going with one big breath. Then comes a test where you exhale inwards and the machine valves close to check chest pressure of the lungs. You are then given a inhaler to open the ports in you lungs that accept more oxygen, and test repeated.
The door gets closed on a few tests. The inhaler had no effect on me. Elasticity, spascity, was talked about. My low ferritin and iron were mentioned. Hypoxia also. He showed me graphs of where I was, or was supposed to be at.
Chronic Hypoxia was mentioned by my Cancer Dr, as well as the H63D gene playing a role, Multiple Sclerosis doing its part. I looked that up, and Yes, Rare, but controls the muscles of the rib cage. Think of having a continuous MS Hug.
My weight has not changed, but my girth would increase 8" for some reason. Simethicone was used to assist, but many theories given to my cancer Dr. My height has decreased another inch.
My Ferritin is 7, iron 29. I have large Red blood cells, to many hemoglobin and Hematocrit, to Cary enough oxygen to my system.
This puts me out of breath when doing anything. I figure if they gave me a type of iron or ferritin, this would fix problem, but there is much more to it.
A phlebotomy, would take out to much iron and ferritin. If a infusion, that would raise hemoglobin and Hematocrit. I have thrown alot of theories I read about or find articles on to my specialist.
I need to get into some technical videos I found. This shows how red blood cells are made. Now Remember I have two H63D Genes that create havoc.
I need to start the explanation in a way everyone can understand, so this video starts with the formation of red blood cells. Try just to understand concept, not all TBE technical Nathan unless you are a scientist.
A great video that explains the Red Blood Cells