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Sunday, July 22, 2018

2013 a year reviewed

2013 provides for a interesting year. Many New Doctors became involved. Some excellent, they know who they are, and some duds.  Optic Disk Pallor and Right lateral gaze nystagmus was noted going on, Dr, agreeing with other Doctors. 

I was given a large Dose of Vitamin B12 injected. Wished that would help, but it did not.

Many EEG, EKG, EMG, and Nerve test done to check how fast nerves were traveling

This also showed my Neurologist how quickly my Multiple Sclerosis was changing.

A switch from Cymbalta to a generic was done by a doctor. The generic was a sub of a generic, and did not work the same way . After much research of new or changed symptoms, and what was causing, a different brand of generic was finally given. Not the same as cymbalta, but a little closer. Generics only have to have 70% of the drug, and changed, so they are not the same. This medicine, along with Lyrica was is used to control pain with Multiple Sclerosis.

More meds were added in 2013.  Testosterone can not be tested, unless you have A disease showing you have low Testosterone, if that makes clarity. A Test was done, showing I was low. Testosterone Therapy began quickly, with a three inch needle injected into my butt muscle. My partner was trained how to do this.   The clinical name, Testicular Hypofunctionon was going on. 
Much more about this over  many years, and injections needed will be in another blog

A heart Dr became involved, as the heart is a muscle, and could be attacked by miss firing of nerves damaged by Multiple Sclerosis.  Mitral valve prolapes, was discovered in a echo graph, but not leaking.  A Strong Heart, and described as "the heart is beating, like I am always running a marathon, even when the body is  sitting or laying down"
I found a app for my tablet tablet to be used, called my heart.  I would use a blood pressure cuff, and record readings  for years to come.  These have came in use by many Doctors since, and the app is always improving for the better over the years.
Szymon Klimaszewski  is the developer.

blood Pressure application for Android devices

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